
Students are enrolled in traditional high school courses and are expected to complete credits in English, mathematics, science and history. In addition, students are required to pass the MCAS in science, mathematics and ELA. All students attend a daily community meeting led by the clinicians using a Social Emotional Learning curriculum. This curriculum focuses on relationship building, social awareness, self-awareness, self-management and responsible decision making. Students are scheduled for counseling once a week but often utilize counseling staff more often. CTE course participation opportunities are available through a partnership with Salem High School. Community-based vocational opportunities are provided through a partnership with the Mass Rehab Commission and this work is facilitated by the Salem Public Schools Transition Coordinator. Specialized Service Providers including Speech and Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Specialized Reading instructors, ELL instruction etc. are provided through the school district as required by students’ IEPs. 


The schedule at the Prep is a five-day schedule with five, forty-minute academic periods, a 30-minute social emotional learning block and a one hour, twenty-minute high interest block where students can select from course options including physical education (which is held at the local YMCA), transition skills and art.